When: May 22nd, 2018
Where: Utrecht, Netherlands

Inbound Recruitment Marketing is a new strategy within the recruitment profession. Its purpose is to attract candidates to your company by providing valuable information for your target group. What are your potential candidates searching for and what can you offer so that they recognize themselves and want to connect?

Cees Hupkes takes you into the new world of Inbound Recruitment Marketing and explains everything you need to know to start applying it at your company. 

Cees Hupkes - Talent Acquisition Manager 

As leader of a dedicated recruiting team, Cees knows that hiring the best is critical for Xebia’s future success. But finding top talent can be difficult; the best employees out there aren’t always looking for a job. According to Cees, “Recruiting has changed. It’s not about selling vacancies anymore; it’s about connecting through shared values.” By using and providing the right content, Xebia helps high-end professionals recognize themselves in the shared values of the company.

Xebia  (15)

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