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Legal Documents

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Legal Documents

Our team of legal experts has carefully crafted these documents to ensure compliance with the latest regulations and best practices.

Here, we provide you with easy access to Xebia's essential documents. We believe in transparency and want to ensure that our website visitors have all the necessary information to understand their rights and obligations when using our services. Feel free to explore and access these legal statements to stay informed about our policies and practices.

Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement applies to all Personal Data that Xebia processes when you use our website and/or apps as a visitor customer. 

Cookie Statement

In this statement we would like to inform you about Xebia's use of cookies and similar technologies.

General Terms and Conditions

Our General Terms & Conditions apply to all services Xebia performs and all agreements Xebia enters into with its clients. 

Looking for previous versions? 

Modern Slavery Statement

Xebia recognises that human rights and human dignity are of paramount importance without any equivocation. To this end, Xebia has an Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy, which incorporates the terms of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. This Statement complements our Modern Slavery Act policy. 

Accessibility Statement

Xebia’s commitment to accessibility for all begins with this site and our efforts to ensure all functionality and all content is accessible to all Americans.

Polish Documents:

Informacja o realizowanej strategii podatkowej za rok 2022

Niniejsza informacja ma na celu realizację przez Xebia spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, NIP 8971719181 (dalej Spółka, Xebia) obowiązków wynikających z art. 27c Ustawy z dnia 15 lutego 1992 r. o podatku dochodowym od osób prawnych (Dz.U.2023.2805). Informacja dotyczy strategii podatkowej realizowanej przez Spółkę w roku podatkowym 2022.

Spanish Documents:

Canal de denuncias

Canal interno para denunciar sospechas de mala conducta e irregularidades en nuestra organización