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When: June 6th 2017
Where: Xebia Hilversum, Laapersveld 27, 1213 VB Hilversum

In the early days of Docker if you wanted to run the containers in production you needed a custom platform. Luckily nowadays we have enough choice, just see the popularity of Kubernetes or Mesos. These products are awesome and serve a great purpose. But they also introduce complexity that is expressed in a learning curve and platform management efforts. On the other end of the spectrum, we find the solutions like AWS Elastic Beanstalk or Docker cloud. Depending on your context these might be a very good choice but they do abstract a lot things that might not be a good thing all the time.

But there is a middle way in all of this: Introducing AWS ECS (EC2 Container Service) as a Docker platform that is simple and powerful at the same time.

Introducing AWS ECS

In this Open Kitchen, we will explore what AWS ECS is and try to answer the following questions:

  • How to setup and use ECS
  • What is the tradeoff against AWS Elastic Beanstalk or Docker Cloud?
  • Can ECS compete against features from Kubernetes and Mesos?

Talking about something and actually doing it are two different things. Therefore we will dive-in hands-on and work on setting up ECS either trough AWS Console, Terraform or CloudFormation. We will explore how to do deployments on ECS and if we are brave enough we will dive into advanced possibilities by using Blox.


16.00: Welcome @ Xebia by Rik Farenhorst, Manager Xebia IT Architects
16.15: Simplify DevOps with AWS ECS by Armin Coralic and Ivo Verberk, Xebia IT Architects 
16.30: Getting hands-on with ECS, part 1
17.45: Dinner & Drinks
18.30: Hands-on AWS ECS, part 2
20.00: Big Thanks, Drinks & Networking

Seats are limited. This session is in Dutch.