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When: Tuesday May 28, 2019
Where: Xebia Hilversum, Laapersveld 27, 1213 VB 

Please note: This session is in Dutch.

In this open kitchen, we’ll take a fascinating deep dive into Jumbo’s Agile toolkit and also learn how to use liberating structures to improve Scrum events.

The Evolution of the Agile Toolkit - Jumbo & Xebia

When Jumbo wanted to stimulate self-organization and self-learning in their Scrum teams, they teamed up with Xebia to design the next evolution of the Agile Toolkit. Packed with ideas, best practices, instructions, and inspiration, as well as hardware like sticky notes, sharpies, and more, teams could pull elements as needed. Plus, an added gamification element challenged and encouraged everyone to use it.

Learn all about Jumbo’s Agile Toolkit experience and get tips and insights for creating your own.

How to Use Liberating Structures to Improve Scrum Events

Too often, Scrum events have a one-way communication— there’s no interaction or engagement, participants are disconnected, and the only one who doesn’t seem to be bored is the leader of the meeting.

Learn how to make your Scrum events more interesting, engaging and active through liberating structures. Liberating structures introduce shifts in the way we meet, plan, decide and relate to one another.

15.30: Welcome
16.00: Introductions
16.15: The Evolution of the Agile Toolkit by Clara Ruissen (Jumbo) and Evelien Roos (Xebia)
17:30: Dinner & Drinks
18.30: How to Use Liberating Structures in your Scrum Events?
19.30: Drinks & Networking