
Two trends that are hard to ignore for the next generation of applications are the death of Moore’s law and the evolution of the web in terms of performance. The former is not so recent any more, but our ecosystem is still maturing when it comes to making optimal use of parallelism: scaling algorithms across multiple cores in a single machines as well as scaling applications over multiple machines. The ubiquity of WebAssembly is a more recent trend, quickly gaining traction due to increasingly complex functionality being pushed to applications running in the browser.

Rust is well-positioned to become a big player in these areas:
- Rust provides zero-overhead abstractions and deterministic memory management, making it well-equipped to squeeze the most performance out of your hardware.
- Rust’s memory safety guarantees make for fearless development of concurrent applications.
- Rust’s minimal runtime and easy interoperability with other languages make it ideal for WebAssembly. 

In this event we will shed light on how the language and its ecosystem enable the development of next generation applications.

The following speakers are looking forward to share their experiences with you:
Merlijn Boogerd - Fundamentals of the development of concurrent applications in Rust
Rust Dirkjan Ochtman - Tokio: the future of async Rust Sendil Kumar - WebAssembly in Rust

Please RSVP at Meetup: Rust Technology.