When: April 24 2017, 17.45h.
Where: Xebia Netherlands, Wibautstraat 200-202, Amsterdam

Xebia is hosting several talks about React Native and its ecosystem.

Meetup Built with React Native

Building the Vogue app in React Native

Our first confirmed speaker is Joel Arvidsson, known for his open source contributions and several React Native first class modules such as react-native-vector-icons.

Joel talks about building the Vogue app in React Native. He will show the process, implementation, pains and pleasures of React Native, Relay and how the platform has evolved.

The app, initially released a year ago, was awarded Best Apps of 2016 by Apple. 

React Native and Lottie

Second confirmed speaker is Rik van Duijn. He is a full stack webdeveloper from Inspire, working on applications with meaningful impact. He's relatively new to React Native but delving in with a passion for learning. 

If it's up to the Lottie team at Airbnb, developers will no longer need to suffer when a designer casually mentions animations. Rik will introduce bodymovin animation files, show how easy it is to display them in a React Native project and demonstrate how to even manipulate their playback.

Automate those React Native tests

Third and final speaker is Nick van Giessel. Nick is an senior agile tester who loves to work with methods like BDD/ATDD and Specification by Example to give software quality a boost.

Setting up test automation for a React native application, where to start? Nick will give his experiences and learnings from his current project where React Native is used for both iOS and Android.


17:45 Doors open 
18:00 Good food and drinks at the bar 
18:45 Talks
20:00 Drinks and networking

Seats are limited.