Culture at the Command Line:

optimizing for your best self

Models, patterns, and assumptions are powerful tools of productivity we use everyday to solve our project's problems. But these tools can also be risks to our projects - and even more importantly - risks to the equilibrium of our own world views. Let's explore what this means and how can we establish a persistent awareness of the fine lines between these conflicting realities.


Qa'id Jacobs
Principal Designer @ Constellation Design

Born and raised in New York and New Jersey (USA), Qa'id studied Music and Business at New York University. After marketing various major artists, managing a recording studio, and co-founding a production company, a career change landed him in the world of Design. Qa'id worked as an in-house and freelance designer for almost 10 years before making another shift: moving to Amsterdam in 2013. As a UX Designer in Amsterdam, he has worked with both large, global corporates and small, bootstrapped startups. Using an empathetic design approach, he takes on challenges of class, locale, and context.


+31 35 538 1921

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