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Sharing knowledge is within Xebia’s DNA. That is why we offer a series of free webinars to share best practices and give concrete guidelines as an answer to current business questions. 


Why should you watch this webinar?

A Data Strategy is probably the most underrated word in the data and analytics space. A synonym for planning ,most of the organization feel that they either know already what they want or worst, in most of the cases, the IT function decides on behalf of the entire organization. Most of the firms feel its a discussion regarding which emerging technology to implement. There's more to Data Strategy than meets the eye. 
This activity, if not done right it can lead to huge capital investment without significant results, lack of harmony between the business units and the IT function and attrition among the employees to name a few. 

Prashant Shekhar

Prashant Shekhar is a technology consultant in the field of data and analytics with 14 years of experience in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. He is presently working as Director - Big Data and AI with Xebia Global Services