Data Science in Production Magazine Available
Dedicated to taking data-driven applications into production.
Taking models into production requires a professional workflow, high-quality standards, and scalable code and infrastructure.
The Data Science in Production Magazine is dedicated to reaping benefit from data by taking data-driven applications into production. Fill in the form on this page to download your personal copy of the magazine, free of charge.
In this second edition of Data Science in Production Magazine 2018, we share a few articles about developing scalable data science applications that can be taken into production easily.
- Tim van Cann, as Data Engineer, proposes a better structure to write spark application
- Stijn Tonk discusses fairness in Machine Learning with adversarial networks
- Henk Griffioen shows how to use PyTorch to train fair classifiers, so that you as an ML practitioner are able to build your own
- Data engineer Bas Beelen shares his experience with doobie and writing concise and clear code
- We threw in the story of Quby, who went from offering an appliance to developing data-driven applications
- Rodrigo Agundez deep dives into elitist shuffle for recommendation systems by providing a solution that can be taken into production plug & play
- Open source is also about giving back and that is what we try to do as much as we can: From the various Meetups we organize to the first satRday Amsterdam and GoDataFest. But on top of organizing events, we are also active contributors to open source projects. In this 2nd edition, we highlighted a few of our contributions to the open source world!
Hopefully, after reading this magazine, you are one step closer to becoming a data-driven organization. Enjoy reading the articles and as always, we appreciate your feedback!