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Xebia Solutions

Xebia Base - AWS MLOps Platform

Bring Data Science and AI use cases into production with the lowest possible time to market.

A Tailored-To-Fit Solution to Productize Data and Machine Learning Solutions

The AWS MLOps Platform is a custom solution crafted with advanced, state-of-the-art components that simplify the process of operationalizing data products.

Built upon decades of expertise in deploying and managing data solutions, the AWS MLOps Platform is both easy to maintain and offers remarkably swift time-to-market.

The MLOps Platform is part of Xebia Base, our suite of tailored-to-fit platforms.




Xebia AWS Base MLOps Platform

Xebia AWS Base MLOps Platform accelerates the deployment of machine learning models into production, supporting a full development cycle and structured way of working.

  1. Accelerates deployment from months to weeks
  2. Supports full development cycle from POC to MVP in production
  3. Includes infrastructure for experimentation, deployment, and monitoring

Learn more in our video!

Technologies used

To construct the AWS MLOps Platform, we choose the finest components that align with our clients' needs, utilizing cloud-native services and integrating them with top-tier open-source technologies. At Xebia Base, our MLOps Engineers meticulously select the most appropriate tools, creating a stable, user-friendly, and scalable platform.

Installation process

The AWS MLOps Platform is deployed using pre-configured modules built on infrastructure as code, allowing users to independently run and maintain the platform.

We provide our clients with the infrastructure as code stack, ensuring they have full ownership and the freedom to modify it as needed.


The AWS MLOps Platform is custom-built to run natively on AWS Cloud, but it is also available in versions tailored to GCP and Azure. It also leverages Snowflake and Databricks data clouds.

The Platform's modular design allows us to tailor it to client needs and existing technologies.

AWS MLOps Platform

Simplifying the Process of Operationalizing Data Use Cases

Transitioning machine learning models from development to production can be difficult. Data scientists often encounter challenges such as: scaling models to manage vast amounts of data, integrating them into current infrastructure,ensuring real-time performance, and managing dependencies.

The Xebia Base MLOps platform effectively addresses these issues.

AWS MLOps Platform

Solution’s USPS and Benefits It Delivers to Businesses

The MLOps Platform delivers value to the business in a short amount of time.

Setting the Standard

The Xebia Base MLOps platform offers a set of ready-made templates that enable the smooth deployment of machine learning models into production. These templates ensure quick and dependable deployment.

Short Time to Market

Rather than constructing a custom infrastructure, the MLOps Platform can be set up and integrated with existing systems in just days to weeks, not months. After this period, clients will have a fully operational, production-quality platform where machine learning models and data products can be deployed with ease.

Business Value

Our primary focus is delivering business value, recognizing that data use cases have the potential to create substantial benefits for the business. Deploying our MLOps platform is a crucial step, but it's only part of the equation. Our ultimate goal is to implement data use cases on top of the platform, thereby generating significant value for the business.

Easy Integration

Thanks to its modular design, the AWS MLOps platform can be effortlessly integrated with existing infrastructure. It can connect with the current data infrastructure without needing extensive modifications to the existing stack.