How DUO started with Continuous Delivery and changed their way of Testing

With this webinar you will face the real challenges and learn how to optimize your automated testing process.

What you will learn:
• Moving away from the traditional Quality Assurance mindset towards Agile Testing
• Selecting test-tools for each challenge in testing
• How BDD infected teams improve communication around requirements using Specification by Example
• How to quickly bootstrap Test Automation with Serenity BDD

DUO, the executive agency of the central government for education in the Netherlands, provides grants and contribution to school fees. The organization also collects tuition fees, student loans and takes care of diploma recognitions. Approximately one year ago DUO started with Continuous Delivery. This webinar talks you through DUO’s challenging journey towards Test Automation.

Speaker Profile
Kishen Simbhoedatpanday, CTO test automation at Xebia.

Viktor Clerc, Leader of Quality and Test Automation at Xebia,